Apple IIe Mid-Screen Mode Switch Test

For a more exciting example of this see the Double Double test. This was an earlier static test I made.

The "DOUBLE" Test

Actual Apple IIe platinum (output captured using capture card) AppleWin Mame 0.251 (apple2ee)

Notes: the mode switches are cycle-counted. It's using the Apple IIe method of getting VBLANK so this won't work on IIc/IIgs probably. It also won't work on II+ but then again the graphics modes wouldn't either unless you have some sort of weird graphics card.

Disk Image

You can get the disk image here. The program you want to BRUN is ``DOUBLE'': split.dsk (140k) 26 April 2023

Source code

The souce code can be found on github here repository as "double.s" in the vaporlock/iie/ directory.


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