on the Apple IIe
- 24 July 2004: Released version 1.1 of the game! Now has rudimentary
paddle/joystick support.
- 18 July 2004: Released version 1.0 of the game! Now has hi-score,
an ending cut-scene, and scrolling star background.
- 28 September 2003: Game is now playable! Rushed this weekend to get it ready for the 4k
Minigame competition.
Finally! I've always wanted to write a video game for the Apple IIe
that was more elaborate than a 1 frame-per-second BASIC demo.
Only 25 years too late to make a living doing this.
For those of you without an actual Apple ][, you'll have to get an emulator.
xapple2 (Linux .. best, but x86 only)
- yae (Linux
Cross platform, but has timing/sound issues)
- Virtual ][ (MacOS X)
- DOS ApplePC 2.52b is
- Windows - You can try
Applewin. I've never used it.
- Note, you will need ROM images to use an emulator. Note, you should
own an actual Apple II, otherwise downloading ROM's is questionable legally.
You can download them

A game in progress (screenshot from actual Apple II to my bttv tv card).

I always wanted to be a video-game star.
You are Tom Bombem, a shy inhabitant of Moon Base Alpha.
One day you have the opportunity to save the world thrust upon you.
Destroy the Malicious Marketers who will not rest until they've
telemarketed you, junk-mailed you, and unsolicited commercial
e-mailed you.
Other Apple II projects
Other Tom-Bombem Related Projects
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(vince _at_ deater.net) : 18 July 2004