Apple II SBEMAIL152 Animation

I have been working on improving some Apple II hi-res software sprite code. A bit of a pain. Anyway I was inspired by the homestarruner Strong Bad e-mail #152 "ISP" and replicated some of an animation that was included there.

The music was captured, converted to midi, then converted to electric duet. In the end it doesn't sound that great with a weird pause, it sounds worse on real hardware than the emulator. While debugging things I found out I misunderstood how sharps/flats work in sheet music so I had to go back and fix a bunch of my existing electric duet music.

This is part of a bigger project which might get announced in the future, but anyway just wanted to put a disk image here in case anyone cared.
Video capture on actual Apple IIe Platinum:

Disk Image

You can get the disk image here. The program you want to BRUN is ``FN'': fn.dsk (140k) 3 May 2023

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