Unlike other 8-bit machines, the Apple II does not have fancy graphics
hardware. This demo takes advantage of the two features the machine does
have going for it; fast page-flipping as well as the
software scalable vector routines in ROM.
Special thanks to Will Winter who volunteered to film this on actual
hardware on short notice. (my Apple II hardware is all stuck on
lockdown at work).
You can get the sourcecode
here in the demos/shapetable_party directory of
my dos33fsprogs github repository: git clone https://github.com/deater/dos33fsprogs/
Vote for this at Pouet
More info
251 Byte demo for the Apple II (1MHz 6502)
Written in 6502 assembly language
Uses "high-resolution" graphics mode which is 280x192 in 6 colors
Depends on the Applesoft BASIC ROM for "HGR" and "XDRAW" routines
which means it requires at least an Apple II+ (released in
1979) or later machine.
Should work on a II+/IIe/IIc/IIgs, and even an original
Apple II (1977) if you have an Applesoft language card
ROM expansion
Can press any key at any time to exit back to the BASIC prompt
Plays some rudimentary sound. On Apple II you have to bit-bang
the speaker, there is no built-in timer or sound hardware.
The logo spins slower as it gets bigger.
This is not really intentional but a side effect
of the vector routines running slower the more you increase
the size.
The people in the crowd are based on a shape from
the Beagle Bros "Apple Mechanic" demo