Lovebyte 2025 Apple II sizecoded Demos
Lovebyte is a demoparty aimed directly
at sizecoding! These are my 2025 Apple II entries.
I also entered a Raspberry Pi/ARM/Linux demos which you can
find here
I also had a few Atari 2600 demos which you can find
And finally, for good measure, see some minimal ANSI art
Source Code
The full source code for all of these entries is available on my
github project under the demos/lovebyte2025 directory.
The Entries
Oldschool 256B -- Heartbeat

Mockingboard bytebeat with Lo-res graphics.
You'll need a Mockingboard in Slot #4,
also note music only comes out the left channel.
As with my "purple beat" atari 2600 intro, the
music code is based on Tjoppen's 128 byte
Atari 2600 code, a variant of viznut's
combo of xpansive's and varjohukka's
work on pouet. It's using the bytebeat code:
The Mockingboard us being used as a 4-bit DAC here. When you disable
a channel it floats high, but the volume registers still work.
So to update sound at 8kHz you just have to write the proper volume
register every 128 cycles or so (and remember that the amplitude registers
are logarithmic on the AY-3-8910).
It took me a while to figure out how to get the visualization with the
heart, I kept thinking up complex ways, but then in the end realized I could
just do a bunch of VLIN calls.
Finish: 9/24 256 Byte Oldschool Intro
Download: heartbeat.dsk
Sourcecode: heartbeat.s
Oldschool 128B -- Triscroll

128-byte Intro for Apple II with some nice sound.
This was sort of compo-filler trying to qualify for the byteathlon
but I really like how the "music" turned out. It's just clicking the
speaker during the drawing routines but I think it turned out nice.
The graphics are an outtake from a failed attempt at a hi-res parallax
effect that I thought looked vaguely cool.
Finish: 13/17 128 Byte Oldschool Intro
Download: tri_scroll.dsk
Sourcecode: tri_scroll.s
64B Intro -- blackhole

Two hi-res XDRAW shapetables, one for the vaguely circuit or pasta like
pattern, then a growing blackhole with an ominous sound.
Finish: 4/14 Oldschool 64-byte Intro
Download: blackhole_64.dsk
Sourcecode: blackhole_64.s
Quick run on your own Apple II or emulator:
CALL -151
E7: 20 D8 F3 84 E4 20 57 F4 A9 06 A0 E2 A2 E3 20 5D
F7: F6 E6 E9 A5 E9 C9 29 D0 EF E8 86 E7 A4 E7 C0 1C
107: F0 E1 A8 A2 8C A9 60 20 11 F4 A2 E0 A0 E2 E6 E8
117: A5 E8 29 3F D0 02 E6 E7 2C 30 C0 20 01 F6 F0 DC
32B Intro -- Mad Compute

This one is actually only 31 bytes.
Finish: 15/21 Oldschool 32-byte Intro
Download: mad_compute_31.dsk
Sourcecode: mad_compute_31.s
Quick run on your own Apple II or emulator:
CALL -151
E7: 05 EA 20 D8 F3 20 57 F4 A6 D4 2C 30 C0 A4 27 88
F7: D0 FD CA D0 F5 8A A0 E2 A2 E3 20 5D F6 F0 E9
Back to my Demos
See my Apple II projects