This is a demo I wrote in 4 days for the Hackfest at the
Kansasfest conference.
It uses "vapor lock" (the floating bus) plus careful cycle counting
to alternately display both lo-res graphics pages at once,
allowing a 40x96 15-color graphics display not easily achievd on
an Apple II (usually you only get 40x48).
It has some scrolling text, plus some rasterbars, and some
simple mockingboard music if available.
You will need to run this on real hardware, or an emulator like Applewin
that supports cycle-accurate graphics.
Note: I did accomplish most of what I wanted, but for unknown reasons
the vapor lock occasionally fails. Reboot until you get non-glitchy
graphics. Also I haven't tested on real hardware yet (well I tried, but
everyone at KFest has weird accelerator video/CPU boards which mess
with things. Nothing likes Lores Page2)
I didn't really keep one, but you can look at the github commits if you
want. They're mixed in with my last-minute-panic working on my KFest
slides which I presented with an Apple II and are also in that github
Here I was starting on Wednesday with just "TEXT / HOME":
And here I am finishing at 1am (2am Eastern) early Saturday morning:
You can vote on this at Pouet
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