Apple II Fancy Lores Graphics
I made a demo using a new cycle-counted 40x96 lores
graphics mode. Then I was wondering how this mode would be at
viewing graphics.
It uses "vapor lock" (the floating bus) plus careful cycle counting
to alternately display both lo-res graphics pages at once,
allowing a 40x96 15-color graphics display not easily achievd on
an Apple II (usually you only get 40x48).
I also made a separate mode that is only 40x48, but switches every scan
line to give a dithered or interlaced mode, providing in theory roughly 100
or so dithered colors in 40x192 mode (but with each color lasting for 4
scalines, so 40x48 in effect).
For now you can get the disk image here:
fancy_lores_viewer.dsk (140k) 25 July 2018
The souce code can be found on github in the repository
in the vaporlock/fancy_lores directory.
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