Opening Screen.
A nice desire logo with gradient by Hammerfist, plus
some scrolling.
Parallax scrolling using sprites in the back and playfield
in the front. Reflected playfield to make the
kernel easier. Scrolling sidebars that are affected
by the percussion.
Some 48-bit pixelwork, with a nice picture by JiskeyJasket.
Rasterbars. This was part of an experiment
to see how many effects I could fit in one
single-scanline kernel. I didn't have enough cycles
to make the second sprite into a bouncing box.
I also tried to have some musical interaction with this
but couldn't get anything nice.
| Final fireworks. Had some extra room when the final music
was smaller than expected. Atari 2600 gradients make
it easy to do fading effects. The code itself is used
as a random number generator for location/color.
Would have had liked to make the scrolling credits
a bit more fancy but ran out of time.