You can get the sourcecode
here in the demos/demosplash_2022 directory of
my dos33fsprogs github repository: git clone
Vote for this at Pouet
More info
1k for the Apple II (1MHz 6502)
Written in 6502 assembly language
Uses "high-resolution" graphics mode which is 280x192 in 6 colors
Depends on the Applesoft BASIC ROM for "HGR" and "XDRAW" routines
which means it requires at least an Apple II+ (released in
1979) or later machine.
Should work on a II+/IIe/IIc/IIgs, and even an original
Apple II (1977) if you have an Applesoft language card
ROM expansion
Plays some Mockingboard music, but only two channels
and with limited effects. It assumes the Mockingboard
is in slot #4 and plays out only one channel.
The Apple II logo starts spinning and gets bigger, eventually
if you wait long enough it will xor all the noise off
and return to the original.