Apple IIe Platinum


I have an Apple IIe Platinum that I've had for years. It was rescued from a local high school back in the late 90s when they were getting rid of all their Apple hardware.

For the most part it has always worked, but as it has gotten older it has needed some upkeep, which I describe on this page.

Hardware Installed

I have the following cards installed in the machine:

Running Upkeep Log

19 September 2018

Was working on my fireworks demo and tested the recent version on the IIe, worked great (though the power supply did make a high pitched noise when turning on/off).

Wanted to make a disk image for the II+, which involves copying it to USB from devel machine, booting the IIe, then using copy][ plus to disk copy to a floppy then using sneakernet.

So turn on the IIe... and nothing. No power light, the power supply died in the 5 minutes since last using it. A shame.

Luckily I had ordered two PSU replacements from Reactivemicro when I was working on my Apple II+. So time to replace this supply too.

Here's the failed one opened up. I'm guessing it's a capacitor issue as the fuse looks fine. However there was no smell, no burn marks, no bulging on leaking, so not sure which one was the problem. The power supply appears to have been made in late 1989/early 1990.

Point of no return, cutting all the old wires. I felt like MacGyver here defusing something.

The back of the old supply, if anyone is curious:

Putting in the new board. This was mostly easier than the II+, but it was a tight fit under the wire stress relief. Also the AC wires were really thick and it was *really* hard getting them into the slots on the power connector.

With that fix things are back up and running again, hopefully for a while.
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