"The Girl With The Golden Hair"

by Vincent M. Weaver

They came one day,                Of alien spies
To take her away,                 With googly eyes
The girl with the golden hair.    Who are causing much despair.

And I must say,                   They're in a cave
They will rue the day             Oh I must save
They took her to their lair.      That girl with the golden hair.

I have been slow                  There is a fight,
To let her know                   But all is right,
That for her I really do care.    Come back, they wouldn't dare

It has been tough                 She is so cool
To see her enough                 When I see her in school
The girl with the golden hair.    All I can do is stare.

And I am a guy                    But yet I wait
Who is much too shy               And hesitate
To do, with any flair             For the girl with the golden hair.

Go up to her                      This time I must
As if she were                    Not betray the trust
Not so schoenn or fair.           That I allow myself to bear.

But then I sigh                   To be incisive
And still I try                   I'll be decisive
THe girl with the golden hair.    And not run like a hare.

But time I waste,                 I'll hold my stance
I must make haste                 Ask her to the dance
And save her from a pair          That girl with the golden hair.

                                  ------ ;-)  And I did.... 21-2-1995 Mod 9
                                     Dedicated to Agent G by Deater #23

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