Wells Falls

Despite living in Ithaca all this time, we are still shocked when we suddenly stumble upon yet another gorge, despite knowing in advance that's where the waterfalls are.

This last gorge is the one on Six Mile Creek. This is Ithaca's water supply, so you aren't allowed in the water. And also, it is an infamous nude sunbathing area. We thought its reputation might be overstated, but there definitely were naked people about when were going to this waterfall.

We went to this waterfall on a beautiful April day, after spending the morning spending a bit too much money at the Ithaca Booksale.

This falls is also called "Business Man's Lunch" falls, probably due to its proximity to downtown Ithaca. Built into the cliff beside it is an old power plant:
Wells Falls

Near the base of the falls is a tree Kristina really liked with an impressive root system:

After viewing this falls, we went on to more mundane things like grocery shopping, and unpacking our books from the sale. Kristina has impressively managed to read 6 books in the past few hours.

And thus ends April...
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