Treman Park, May 2006
Despite forecasts for rain, the weather ended up being pleasant enough.
(Maybe the rain we were supposed to get all ended up in Massachusetts
where they were having horrible flooding). In any case,
Kristina and I needed to go downtown to buy tomato plants, so we decided
to stop by Treman Park while we were there.
At the park we bought an Empire Passport. In order for this to pay
for itself we have to go to parks at least 10 times this summer, so
watch for a lot of park-related updates!
This is the infamous park where every distance is 2 miles, so we walked the 2
miles to the upper part of the park. We poked around the old Mill they
had there, and managed to find two new waterfalls we hadn't seen before!
Here is the one on Fish Kill Stream that the Mill used as a water-source:
And even futher up the stream was an un-named falls that were
hard to see without falling off a cliff:
We took the rim trail back to where we left our car. You get good
views of the more famous waterfalls in the park from there.
Here's Lucifer falls:
And here is the Lower Falls:
Along the trail we saw a number of bright orange salamanders.
I haven't been able to identify it, and the camera had some trouble
trying to take a picture:
The wildflowers were also in bloom, with the columbine being
particularly pretty.
It's hard to believe summer is nearly here. When that happens
we'll have to return to the park and go swimming just below the falls...
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