Hiking and Strawberries, June 2007
Kristina and I went for a hike in the
Finger Lakes National Forest.
We had been here before, but this
time we were looking for a nice hike, not waterfalls. The trail
was mostly in the woods, but there were significant distances across
fields. Here are some cows:
We ended up walking about 5 miles or so. Here's our route:
After that, it was time to pick strawberries! Strawberry season
comes late in upstate NY:
We ended up picking over 10 pounds of strawberries, and ate
them all within a week.
The week previous to the above we had gone on a 6 mile hike on
the Cayuga Trail through Monkey Run. No pictures, as we have
been there before.
The day after strawberry picking we went back to Monkey Run and did another
chunk of the trail, with a side walk to the Cornell Plantations.
There we saw some pretty orange-flowered trees growing in the woods.
Our best guess is that they are some sort of orange rhododendron:
Here is the map of our two trips:
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